The West Montrose Sanitation District was created on April 3, 1974 as a Special District under Title 32 of the Colorado Revised Statutes.
Until that time, residences and commercial establishments within the District boundaries were served by individual septic tanks and leach field systems. High groundwater levels and unfavorable soil conditions were causing these systems to fail, making repairs and maintenance expensive and difficult. The failing of septic systems coupled with the future growth potential in the area are what led to the District’s creation. The West Montrose District:
- Located West of the Uncompahgre River and is bordered by the river and Spring Creek Mesa.
- The District is limited to serve 3,000 taps. Currently about 1,854 taps have been sold.
- WMSD maintains approximately 26 miles of sewer line and over 500 manholes and cleanouts.
- Operates and maintains an Aqua-Aerobic AquaSBR® Sequencing Batch Reactor, permitted to discharge 0.7 million gallons per day (MGD) of flow.
- Operates and maintains the only permitted Septage Receiving Facility in Montrose County.